ECE 201: Electric Circuits I is a 3-credit course taught at Michigan State University for Electrical and Computer Engineering majors. The catalog description for this course is: Resistive circuits. Loop and nodal analysis. Network theorems, Dependent sources. Capacitor and inductor circuits. Transient analysis. Introduction to computer-aided design. The prerequisites for this course are current enrollment or completion of third semester calculus and some familiarity with using a personal computer.
The companion textbook used in this course is : Thomas, Rosa, & Toussaint, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, Wiley, 2012 (7th Edition or later)
On-Line Course
A YouTube Channel ( ) has been made to recreate the classroom experience for this ebook. This on-line version of the course is intended for ECE students at MSU. However these videos will also allow anyone, student, hobbyist or engineer (with the minimum background of an algebra course and an introductory course in calculus) to take this 3-credit course at their own pace. You can find a suggested Self-Paced Instruction section near the end of this ebook. Sample exams and a final exam are included with solutions. A grading curve, similar to ones used in the course, is found on the cover of each exam solution so that you can grade yourself. The exams are closed book and notes. The suggested time for an exam is one-hour and two-hours for the final exam. A final grade calculation is at the end of the final exam solution video.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 About This Book
1.2 Symbols and Units
Definitions, Prefixes, Engineering Notation
1.3 Circuit Variables
Current, Voltage, Power, Passive Sign Convention, Ground, Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Power
Chapter 1: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S1.4
Chapter 2: Basic Circuit Analysis
2.1 Element Constraints
Electrical Network, Circuit, Resistance, Ohm’s Law, V-I Characteristics, Conductance, Power, Resistor, Color Code, Precision Resistors, Ratings, Open and Short Circuits, Switches, Independent Voltage Sources, Independent Current Sources
2.2 Connection Constraints
Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
2.3 Combined Constraints
Examples Using KVL, KCL and Ohm’s Law, Assigning Reference Marks
2.4 Equivalent Circuits
Series Resistance, Parallel Resistance, Special Cases, Approximations, Example, Equivalent Voltage Sources, Equivalent Current Sources, Source Transformations, Delta-to-Wye and Wye-to-Delta Transformations, Redundant Elements
2.5 Voltage and Current Division
Voltage Divider Rule, Special Cases, Potentiometers, Design Example, Current Divider Rule, Special Cases, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wheatstone Bridge
Chapter 2: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4, S2.5, S2.6, S2.7, S2.8, S2.9, S2.10, S2.11, S2.12, S2.13, S2.14, S2.15, S2.16, S2.17, S2.18, S2.19, S2.20, S2.21, S2.22, S2.23, S2.24
Chapter 3: Circuit Analysis Techniques
3.1 Node-Voltage Analysis
Node-Voltage Properties, Writing Node Equations by Inspection, Cramer’s Rule, Evaluating Determinants, Node Analysis with Voltage Sources, Nodal Analysis with Floating Voltage Sources, Super Node3.2 Mesh-Current Analysis
Mesh-Current Property, Writing Mesh Equations by Inspection, Mesh Analysis with Current Sources, Super Mesh
3.3 Linearity Properties
Linearity Properties, Superposition Principle, Examples Using Superposition, Proportionality Property, Transfer Function, Unit Output Method
3.4 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Relationships, Example Using Thevenin’s Theorem
3.5 Maximum Signal Transfer
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Maximum Efficiency Theorem
2.7 Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis
Chapter 3: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S3.1, S3.2, S3.3, S3.4, S3.5, S3.6, S3.7, S3.8, S3.9, S3.10, S3.11, S3.12, S3.13, S3.14
Chapter 4: Active Circuits
4.1 Linear Dependent Sources
Voltage Controlled Sources, Current Controlled Sources, SPICE Models
4.2 Analysis of Circuits with Dependent Sources
Analysis of Circuits with Dependent Sources, Node-Voltage Analysis, Mesh-Current Analysis, Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
4.4 The Operational Amplifier
Notation, Ideal and Commercial Op-Amps, Non-inverting Amplifier, Zero Volt – Zero Current Property, Modeling a Non-inverting Amplifier, Limitations Due to the Power Supply, Voltage Follower, Inverting Amplifier and Model, Differential Amplifier and Model, Op-Amp Circuit Analysis, Bridge-T Amplifier
Chapter 4: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S4.1, S4.2, S4.3, S4.4, S4.5, S4.6, S4.7, S4.8, S4.9, S4.10, S4.11, S4.12, S4.13, S4.14, S4.15
Chapter 6: Capacitance and Inductance
6.1 The Capacitor
Properties of Capacitance, Capacitance Example Using Pspice, Properties of the Capacitor
6.2 The Inductor
Properties of Inductance, Inductance Example Using Pspice, Properties of the Inductor
6.4 Equivalent Capacitance and Inductance
Series and Parallel Combinations of Capacitance, Series and Parallel Combinations of Inductance
Chapter 6: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S6.1, S6.2, S6.3, S6.4, S6.5, S6.6
Chapter 7: First- and Second-Order Circuits
7.2 First-Order Circuit Step Response
Solution of a First Order RC Differential Equation, Algorithm for any One Capacitance Circuit, Step Response of an RC Charging Circuit, Time Constant, Interpretation of the Time Constant, RC Switching Circuit with a SPDT Switch, Step Response of an RL Circuit, Algorithm for any One Inductance Circuit, Time Constant, RL Charging Circuit, RL Switching Circuit with a SPDT Switch, Sequential Switching, Algorithm for Sequential Switching, PSpice Simulation with Switches
7.4 First-Order Circuit Sinusoidal Response
Natural and Forced Response, RC Circuits
7.5 The Series RLC Circuit
Natural Response, Characteristic Equation, Overdamped Response, Critically Damped Response, Underdamped Response, Summary
7.6 The Parallel RLC Circuit
Natural Response, Characteristic Equation, Overdamped, Critically Damped and Underdamped Response, Summary
7.7 Second-Order Circuit Step Response
Complete Response of a Series RLC Circuit with a Step and Sinusoidal Input, SPICE, Complete Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit with a Step and Sinusoidal Input
Chapter 7: Supplemental Problems and Solutions
S7.1, S7.2, S7.3, S7.4, S7.5, S7.6, S7.7